Oakhurst House B&B and Self Catering i Cobh

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandOakhurst House B&B and Self Catering


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Lower Road, Cobh, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 86 262 9479
internet side: www.oakhursthouse.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 51.8468865, Longitude: -8.3120289

kommentar 5

  • en

    Deirdre Pearson


    Fab accommodation

  • en

    Valentina Di Giorgio


    Olive is most lovely person I have ever met! Thanks for everything! See you soon!

  • en

    Michael Berens


    While I was a bit guarded about there being a shared bathroom for the room I was in, it was a non-issue in practice and was more than offset by the atmosphere and historic decor of the house and rooms (and omg the garden). Despite the age of the historic house, everything was spotless and well-kept, the shared bathroom modern. You can feel that for the host the house, garden and being a good host are a work of love in every detail and I immediately felt very welcome and at home. Would recommend without reservations.

  • en

    Yuriy Kravchenko


    Would recommend to everyone.

  • Stephen Hughes

    Stephen Hughes


    Very old style. Kettle on the landing no TV in the room and communal toilet. Lovely owner's though.

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