O'Briens Sandwich Cafe i Wexford

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandO'Briens Sandwich Cafe



🕗 åbningstider

41, North Main Street, Y35 VHX5, Wexford, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 53 912 2242
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Latitude: 52.339276, Longitude: -6.4626242

kommentar 5

  • Tadhg Darcy Blinds

    Tadhg Darcy Blinds


    The staff who work in O'Briens Cafe are so friendly and professional. Great Sandwiches,Coffee always.

  • Hubert Pádraig Turowski

    Hubert Pádraig Turowski


    Loved the breakfast sandwitch. Recommend.

  • John Ben

    John Ben


    Often go in for coffee. Was disappointed to see a staff member wiping the coffee percolator with the palm of her hand today .not wearing gloves handling food and she wasn't very hygiene looking.

  • en

    Caroline Flannery


    Really didn't enjoy the experience, we ordered the Soup and Sandwich deal and when we asked if we could change the ham as we don't eat ham we were told no, we still ordered Soup and a Sandwich 25 Euros later we were served tepid Soup and rotten Tuna sandwiches

  • Marc Murphy

    Marc Murphy


    Absolutely love the coffee out of here, can't get enough of it, come in here everyday good place to come and chill out

nærmeste Cafe

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