O'Briens Sandwich Cafe i Wexford

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandO'Briens Sandwich Cafe



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Redmond Square, Wexford, IE Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 53 912 6639
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Latitude: 52.3426694, Longitude: -6.4640721

kommentar 5

  • John Ben

    John Ben


    Good coffee. Disappointed with the hygiene.

  • en

    David Hession


    An Irish favourite for sambos and coffee. The scones here come from great local bakery and the staff are fantastic

  • en

    David McCarthy


    Would not go to this cafe again mainly because they won't let people who Vape e-cigarettes to vape in their restaurant. As Irish law stands at time of this review it is not illegal to vape in public places

  • Fawn Hanley

    Fawn Hanley


    Great cakes and pastries. Their salads and bagels are very tasty and their sandwhices are some of the best in the country!

  • Kate Flynn

    Kate Flynn


    I really appreciate good customer service whenever I find it, which isn't often nowadays. However, O'Briens on Redmond Square definitely does deliver in that aspect, and I feel they deserve some recognition! The staff are always so friendly and welcoming and appear to really enjoy working here which adds a great atmosphere to the place! There is 2 particularly nice ladies I'd love to praise for their hospitality in particular but, they didn't have name tags unfortunately!

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