Pembroke Townhouse Dublin i Dublin 4

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandPembroke Townhouse Dublin


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90, Pembroke Rd, Dublin 4, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 660 0277
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Latitude: 53.332378, Longitude: -6.237659

kommentar 5

  • albert torra cabello

    albert torra cabello


    Personal molt amable. Un bon establiment per passar-hi l’estada de vacances o treball.

  • tko rich

    tko rich


    They made an unauthorized charge to our credit card for ‘incidentals’. When we inquired into the charge, we were advised there was a stain left on the carpet. My wife and I weren’t involved in some epic party, if there was a stain (as we didn’t take inventory when coming or going) it was Ill-gotten from whatever they left on the ground. Make sure you check for cracks in the pavement and no peeing on the seat, I hear those are extra charges from these fraudsters also. Don’t worry about pick-pockets, the thieves lie in wait at Pembroke.

  • en

    Kimberly Jordan


    Friendly and extremely helpful staff. Cozy setting and located within walking distance of many of the Dublin sites. They let me check in early after an overnight flight without any hassle. Clean room with good wifi.

  • Christoph Parschau

    Christoph Parschau


    Had to stay at Pembroke Townhouse since my standard hotels were fully booked. But how lucky was I? I loved my stay at Pembroke Townhouse, really charming atmosphere and super friendly staff. Definitely a recommendation!

  • Jules and Rob Frape

    Jules and Rob Frape


    Very good value. Excellent location. Great rooms. Safe parking. Perfect stay. One bugbear: tea and coffee facilities are in reception 😕. However, this is not a deal breaker.

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