Red Torch Ginger i Dublin 2

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandRed Torch Ginger



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15, Saint Andrew's Street, Dublin 2, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 677 3363
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Latitude: 53.343443, Longitude: -6.262004

kommentar 5

  • Jouko Sipila

    Jouko Sipila


    pretty good food but after confirming it was safe, they served nut contaminated food to one in our party. luckily caught it early but serioys negative marks for not even an apology

  • en

    Eamonn Mooney


    Beautiful Thai restaurant situated on andrews Street not to far from grafton. Service was very good and waiter was extremely nice and courteous. Food was very good and well presented. Price for the lunch menu was reasonable and offered good value for price. Definitely worth a visit if you like Thai food and good service.

  • David Debnath

    David Debnath


    The ambience is perfect. The service is pretty fast. They do lunch deals (2 course and a drink) for 16 euros which is a pretty good deal. Satisfies you all over to the brink and yes everyone must try out the lemonade and the peach iced tea.☺️☺️

  • en

    Bridget Byrne


    One of the better meals I've had in Dublin. Food is excellent, staff very friendly and helpful. Reservation is a must if you're going to eat during peak times

  • David O'Meara

    David O'Meara


    Nice restaurant, staff are friendly. The starter and main were tasty. I said I would mix it up this evening and go for a Lamb Thai Green Curry instead of chicken. The lamb was succulent and juicy, I was delighted with my choice. We had a nice bottle of white wine to wash it all down.

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