The Firehouse i Delgany

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandThe Firehouse



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Delgany, Co. Wicklow, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 287 6822
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.1326708, Longitude: -6.0934954

kommentar 5

  • Gerald O'Connor

    Gerald O'Connor


    We go here as a family quite regularly. Food is always of the highest quality. For such a busy place the staff never seem flustered and are polite and friendly no matter the day. If you like your breads or pizza you can’t go wrong. Thoroughly recommend. A gem of an eatery.

  • Judi Lynch

    Judi Lynch


    Delicious food, great coffee, lovely staff, very popular, nice grocery shop attached. Parking behind the cafe/shop. The downside is the lack of vegetarian options sometimes, but I love it regardless.

  • en

    Sinead Garvey


    lovely hidden gem. staff are very polite, atmosphere nice and relaxing. the selection of breads and pastries is amazing. you will not be disappointed with the selection on hand. do advise to get there at around 12.30 ish to have best selection of breads as they seem to sell out quickly.

  • Mark Hunt

    Mark Hunt


    Great food. Creamy mushrooms are to notch

  • Mandy Mortimer

    Mandy Mortimer


    Incredible breads to be found in this bakery come restaurant. Also lovely pastries like doughnuts, sticky buns and more, all baked on site. A wood fire oven for incredible thin crust pizza. Lovely atmosphere, too. Cosy and warm in an old cottage.

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