The Metropole Hotel i Cork

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandThe Metropole Hotel



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MacCurtain Street, Cork, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 21 464 3700
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Latitude: 51.9013174, Longitude: -8.467591

kommentar 5

  • en

    cheryl robertson


    Staff deserve a gold star. Stuck here due to snow. There is a skeleton staff working hard to keep guests happy. Nice warm rooms. Good breakfast. And a range of games and movies to keep us entertained

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    Caroline Kearney


    Staff on reception amazing it was like we New them for ever was there for our friend Paul's 50th birthday will be back the 2 sisters.

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    Wendy Proctor


    Fantastic location to all sites of interest and restaurants, train and bus station easy walk away and car hire firm too. Conceigre John most pleasant and helpful at the hotel. Pool decent with jacuzzi, steam and sauna room.

  • Steve Daly

    Steve Daly


    Nice enough for a drink but can get crowded in the bar. Stayed there recently and found it to be welcoming. The room was warm and cozy.

  • en

    Udruga KRUG


    I booked a room for a night during the Jazz festival. I enjoyed the outdoor activities around and when I came there at 8pm to check room... they were thinking thaz I am not coming and they sell my room to someone else. They find me another hotel which was nice but not in the center. P.S actually B.S. They told me that the water pipe burst in the room so that they don't have a room for me.

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