Advanced Laser Light i Dublin 2

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandAdvanced Laser Light


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22, Drury Street, Dublin 2, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 661 0888
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Latitude: 53.3421809, Longitude: -6.2635586

kommentar 2

  • Brian Barrett

    Brian Barrett


    Place has closed down

  • en

    Roger Miller


    Worse Customer Service Ever! I had a treatment in March 2016 and, even though they didn't tell me all the side effects, the outcome was positive so I decided to come back for another treatment in April. I didn't know that day of April would have been a date that I won't forget. It was a simple Milia removal procedure, I was told that in a couple of weeks the red dots would have gone away. The best part starts now because not only the dots did't go away and generated evident scars on my face, but they completely ignored the problem. - May - I call them to let them know that red dots didn't go away. - Early June - I go to 22 Drury Street where they take some picture of my face. They told me those pictures had to be sent to their clinic in Cork. - 14 June - They send me a text for an appointee on the next day at 18:00. The next day, they called me to cancel the appointment. - 15 June - They send me a text for an appointment on the next day at 13:00. The next day, they called me to cancel the appointment. - 17 June - They send me a text for an appointment on the next day at 15:30. The next day, they called me to cancel the appointment. On this day I spent 15 minutes on the phone with their operator trying to make her understand how upset I was and how scared because my face was damaged. They told me they would have called me in July. Well, I am still waiting for that call. It was so clear that they didn't care about what happened to me that I eventually decided to go to a different clinic. I had a previous treatment and I would have been a loyal customer to this clinic, but they acted very unprofessionally by completely ignoring a customer. I would love to write a different review, but at the same time I think it's fair to mention what happened to me as it may occur to other customers too.

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