Zenergy i Dublin 2

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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13, Fade Street, D02 RR22, Dublin 2, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 611 1100
internet side: zenergy.goldenpages.ie
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Latitude: 53.3421175, Longitude: -6.2642587

kommentar 5

  • Karen Sommerville

    Karen Sommerville


    Over the past few years, I have had the pleasure of having a number of amazing massages in Zenergy Health & Beauty Salon. Every single time I visited was just as good as the previous one. The massage therapists working in Zenergy are extremely well trained, they know how to work out the knots so well and they are always very friendly. I always leave feeling revitalized and very relaxed, thinking about the next time when I can return. In my opinion Zenergy is one of the best beauty saloon's in town, offering top quality services at very affordable prices.

  • Ross Dunne

    Ross Dunne


    I have been suffering terrible pain in my shoulder and back. I went to see Edward tonight (@ 8:00 which was great as I couldn't go during the day due to work commitments. ) I had a deep tissue massage which worked out every knot in my back. And believe me I a lot! Edward was extremely professional. And did an amazing job I walked out like a new man. I NEVER go on these sites or leave feedback. But after the magic Edward worked on my back, I thought he really deserved the credit due to him and a huge thank you. I'll certainly be a returning customer. I've never had a massage like it before and im extremely grateful for the pain free weeks ahead. Worth every penny. Thanks again from, Ross Dunne.

  • Jamie Thomson

    Jamie Thomson


    I booked a massage and Shellac nail manicure for my mother as a treat, and who was over form London for mothering Sunday (at short notice I called in the morning) and the team at Zenergy (Very Accommodating) could only offer me 2 slots as they were nearly fully booked for the day. We arrived at 12.30 and straight away my mother was taken to the treatment room and they conducted a Thai head massage that she tells me was wonderful, now she has had massage treatments all over the world and said this is one of the best massages Dublin has to offer for the price. On speaking with her on Skype this morning she showed me her Shellac nails and tells me they have started to grow out rather than any chips or discoloration very impressed with the service and treatments at Zenergy health and beauty clinic in Dublin. The only recommendation that she has for them is they could do with a few more choices in Shellac nail colors, well done Zenergy for giving a great lasting memory of her visit to Dublin, and her Shellac nail treatment still perfect after 6 weeks on.

  • Sinéad Redmond

    Sinéad Redmond


    I've been going to Zenergy for pregnancy massages once a month since my second month of being pregnant and I can't fault them on a single thing. I've had 2 different masseuses and they've both been fantastic, the staff are always welcoming, friendly and really helpful, the massages have definitely made a really positive difference to my pregnancy, and with their membership deal I'm only paying €45 each time for an hour long massage. I would recommend them to anyone, and often have done!

  • Eileen Parle

    Eileen Parle


    They run constant deals for new customers, but treat their existing customers poorly. On my third visit which I booked as a treat for a friend's birthday, I was told one price for a deal over the phone, which I booked, was told a higher price after the services, and was charged an even higher price when I challenged this. This was the manager I was talking to. She made the excuse that there were lots of deals going on, and if I didn't remember the name of the particular deal I had been given on the phone, I would need to pay the higher price (more than 50 euro higher than initially quoted) -- since they must not keep records of what they quote you. Services okay, but abominable customer service -- give this one a miss unless you're getting their cheapest Groupon rate and you have it all in writing.

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