Angie Nails i Dublin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandAngie Nails



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54 Middle Abbey Street - 2nd Floor, North City, Dublin, DUBLIN1, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 85 823 0539
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Latitude: 53.347829, Longitude: -6.262295

kommentar 5

  • en

    Viktorija Miljak


    Extremely good and professional. I would recommend it to anyone. Material used is very high quality and holds a long time.

  • en

    Isabel Cropalato


    The best place to take care of yourself. Angie is more than a good professional, she became a friend and she like that with all of her costumers. 100% satisfy with your job. I can't wait to get my nails done next month.

  • Fabiola Pérez

    Fabiola Pérez


    Totally in love with my mermaid nails, amazing job and really good service. I’ll definitely be back for another unique nails style.

  • en

    Emma Leahy


    Amazing nail technician! Unbelievably talented, most natural looking and feeling gel nails I’ve ever had! Friendly and welcoming girl too, so lovely!

  • Byanka Lagarde

    Byanka Lagarde


    Angie is the best nail technician in Dublin. I have meet Angie 5 years ago when she was working in a salon in ILAC shopping Mall and than I lost her contact as she had moved from there and open her own business. In 2015, I met her again and since then I have the best 2 hours in the month with this amazing person. She is Friendly and very processional. I super recommend her. 💅🏼✨✨

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