Ali's Kebab i Clonmel

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandAli's Kebab



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4 Emmet Street, E91 Y470, Emmet Street, E91 Y470, Clonmel, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 52 618 4705
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Latitude: 52.3536302, Longitude: -7.7001771

kommentar 5

  • Jason Maunsell

    Jason Maunsell


    Best chips in town Great pizzas And kebabs to die for

  • Marcin Faiks

    Marcin Faiks


    Best kebab in clonmel and pizza well recommended!

  • DANPOLL2015 5

    DANPOLL2015 5


    Best kebab I've had! Great prices and fast service

  • Claire B

    Claire B


    Pizza was not nice.... They may have forgotten the pizza sauce because there was none on the pizza 😕

  • JJ Sheridan

    JJ Sheridan


    Got some take away over the Christmas period while visiting family in Clonmel. I got a donar kebab meal which was beautiful. Served in nann bread with a nice amount of salad and a pickled chilli the kebab was extremely tasty. The chips are made from scratch which is great. Nothing worse than frozen, tastless chips and these chips were up there with some of the tasty chips I have had. My wife got a breast in the bun that wasn't great to be fair but she also loved the chips. The kids got pizza and my son said it was a close second to our regular pizzeria in Cork. The prices are excellent and I would highly recommend this takeaway. Without doubt I'll be getting another kebab next time I'm up in Clonmel.

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