Prego Pizza i Clonmel

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IrlandPrego Pizza



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1, Thomas Street, Clonmel, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 52 612 1500
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.3569104, Longitude: -7.6977467

kommentar 5

  • en

    pauline crotty


    Tasty and reasonable priced pizza worth a visit

  • en

    karl clancy


    Best pizza in clonmel by a mile and great value!!

  • Sean Cooke

    Sean Cooke


    Absolute mess of a pizza. Looks like it was made by a blind Italian. If an actual Italian person saw this he'd jump off the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Needs better presentation. BUT... it's tasty. So two stars.

  • en

    m fealin


    Nice affordable pizza. Great service. Well worth a try

  • Borys Woszczek

    Borys Woszczek


    This is such an inconspicuous place, inside of a local shop, but believe me, these guys make the best pizza around! They are knowledgeable and passionate about their craft, and they use good quality ingredients. And this is a proper real pizza I'm talking about here (it simply cannot be compared with some cheap versions of pizza-like fast food that Domino's, FourStar or Apache make). And by the way, they have the top of the shelf, most expensive, professional pizza oven in Ireland and they do know how to use it ;) And it's just incredible that this delicious Prego pizza is so inexpensive. I live in Cork City, but whenever I'm driving or motorcycling somewhere around, I always swing by to grab a pizza there. P.S. They don't have any room for tables inside so they only do takeaway.

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