Mani Restaurant i Clonmel

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandMani Restaurant



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20, Parnell Street, Clonmel, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 52 617 0007
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Latitude: 52.3534906, Longitude: -7.6985931

kommentar 5

  • en

    Brian Gallagher


    Food great . Decor lovely. Waiting staff efficient and friendly. We ate here for birthday meal.....BUT we were asked to leave if we weren't ordering more - we had three courses + drinks. First time ever for this to happen. Told they were very busy (we had pre-booked well in advance, and only been seated approximately 1hour 20m). Booking and policies lacking perhaps. Good restaurant, but be prepared to be rushed and on time limit. Disappointing. Otherwise fine.

  • en

    Diarmuid Heafey


    Excellent meal recently. Two diners had the platter for two and both enjoyed and had plenty to eat. The third person is vegetarian and had no problem with that option. Service was excellent. This was our second time here and we will be back.

  • Rob Hogan

    Rob Hogan


    Staff were great. Had new year's eve dinner here in a big group. It was a brilliant night. The food was amazing and the cocktails were unbelievable. The wine was gorgeous too and great value. I'll definitely be going back.

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    Tommy Kavanagh


    Here on my own! Sad! But the staff are very friendly. I don't feel awkward, which I normally would, being alone. A steady flow of customers, locals,. Always a good sign. The set-up is very pleasant. The food was lovely, well prepared and presented!

  • Sarah Fraske

    Sarah Fraske


    When you walk in the door you will be blown away at the taste level and sophistication of design. The atmosphere is incredible. Pair that with incredible service, food, and cocktails (not to mention the extensive wine menu) and it sums up the perfect night out. Take your time and enjoy every moment.

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