All American Launderette i Dublin 2

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandAll American Launderette



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40, South Great George's Street, Dublin 2, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 677 2779
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Latitude: 53.3417826, Longitude: -6.2647983

kommentar 5

  • en

    michelle mitchell


    I use this place for self service all the time, all the staff are really friendly especially David who is always pleasant and very helpful and the older guy I don’t know his name though ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️




    Don't use it! This laundry is a mess. They gave me my clothes with the clothes from someone else, half of my clothes are lost and they don't know who can have them. :( This happened twice. The first time was not a mistake this seems to be common. Also the manager has terrible manners, not friendly at all.

  • Fergus Mathews

    Fergus Mathews


    Don't use enough detergent; clothes never smell fresh. Charges for two loads even if you're only a half kilo over. The manager called me out for complaining that bleach stained my sheets after leaving them there. Half the staff are very nice but the atmosphere is awful because of management.

  • Maureen Salsitz

    Maureen Salsitz


    One of the few laundromats in Dublin open on a Sunday! Reasonable prices for up to 7kg of laundry to wash and dry. You can run the machines yourself, or leave there and pick up later, drying and folding included. Either way, there are a few cafes nearby to have a bite at while you wait.

  • en

    Lina Bélanger


    Found this place online because I thought this was the only place in Dublin with self service laundry. Turns out it is with services or self-service. You can drop you clothes and it will be ready at the end of the day or you can do it yourself and get it done right away. Since I couldn't come back, I did self-service. Was 9,50€ for washing/drying soap included. I didn't even touch the machine (they did it for me). Just had to put my clothes in and transfer to the dryer. That's it. Less than an hour later we were gone.

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