Beacon South Quarter i Dublin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandBeacon South Quarter


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Blackthorn, Dublin, Co. Dublin, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 279 1219
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.2764659, Longitude: -6.2170209

kommentar 5

  • vishwamitra hegde

    vishwamitra hegde


    Located in a beautiful south Dublin, Sandyford. Dunne's store is just in the ground floor of this apartment. An Aldi just 300mts from the apartments. Luas in 500 meters. Microsoft office just around the corner. I would definitely would love to stay here.

  • Cabe Academy

    Cabe Academy


    Great for home decor

  • en

    Poukkaa Ganeska


    Some of it is half torn down and looks very shabby. For some reason it's always freezing down there as well!! The Beacon Hotel has a lovely restaurant in it and there's an Aldi with free parking for 90 mins as well it being right beside the Stillorgan Luas stop on the Green Line. Could do with being more open as you wouldn't believe the variety of shops that are in behind the road the hotel is on.

  • en

    Moya McGinley


    Made a visit for the third time to Imaginosity with our grandchildren. It was each time a magnificent success with regard to the play area and the staff are amazing! However the little cafe still needs a bit more 'healthy' food & service is very slow. But don't let that put anybody off going for the experience! Moya

  • K Tamas

    K Tamas


    I live here for 2 years now, cosy and nice place, rents are a joke. If you are rich this is a perfect place for you.

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