IMI Residence i Dublin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandIMI Residence



🕗 åbningstider

Sandyford Road, 16, Dublin, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 207 5900
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.2756506, Longitude: -6.2308037

kommentar 5

  • en

    Bob Boyle


    It's fine if you need to be at the IMI. Not luxury but perfectly adequate. No restaurant and continental breakfast only.

  • Neha Kanagat

    Neha Kanagat


    Front office staff excellent. Hotel is ancient n needs a lot of renovation. Housekeeping extremely bad

  • Jo Gar

    Jo Gar


    Attending a course at IMI? Perfect low-cost and high-convenience choice for accommodation!

  • en

    Ron Scheffler


    Not worth the money and neither a four star hotel from my point of view. The room was not entirely cleaned (bathroom + carpet dirty) and no towels were in the room. (However, when we asked the reception for some towels we got them within 5min) We had to leave early in order to catch our flight. Since we booked breakfast, we asked the receptionist whether we could have our breakfast for take-away early in the morning. He answered, that this won't be a problem and that he will tell the guy who will be at the reception for the night and is going to take care of that. By the time we wanted to check out, the new receptionist was sleeping on the couch next ro the reception. After we woke him up, he replied in a rude "how could you even think about that" way, that there is no take-away breakfast in this hotel and that take-away is not possible anyway since there is no think such as a bag in the hotel to hand of breakfast. He even raised his voice (it was 5:50 in the morning and the hotel is quite clairaudient) to reply even rudlier. Not a behaviour you would expect in a hotel. The reason why we don't give just one star is the very friendly first receptionist, who helped us with all problems we had (e.g. printing boarding passes and giving us an overview over the area to find a restaurant). However, I would not recommend this hotel overall.

  • Stephen Keogh

    Stephen Keogh


    This is the worst 'hotel' I've ever had the misfortune to stay in. Filthy, and full of disinterested and unhelpful staff. What a sham. The photos are of the carpet! That's the carpet!These photos illustrate how disinterested the owners are in improving standards (note dark carpets if you intend on being so filthy with your standards). As a bonus when I got back to my room and tried to watch some tv there was no remote. Naturally I called the 'reception' and that disinterested person told me that former room occupants steal the remotes from the room so if you haven't got one then that means that it has been stolen. The person then went on to tell me that he'd make a note and let the staff know in the morning 😳 That's efficient. What a horrible place. 100% not for anyone who has ever spent any time in a two star hotel. Unless your standard is sleeping on the side of the road under a blanket of 💩 then this is not the place and legitimately should be closed down due to their abhorrent contempt for basic humane conditions.

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