Camerino i Dublin 1

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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158, Capel Street, Dublin 1, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 537 7755
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Latitude: 53.3468393, Longitude: -6.2683842

kommentar 5

  • William St MARTIN

    William St MARTIN


    Discovered this place during a food tour, and we got to talk to the owner of the place and to know her story : we all feel in love with her story, she really fought to deserve the success of this bakery ! Ireland is magic like that, go try her scones 👍👍👍

  • en

    Michael Aylmer


    Beautiful challah bread.

  • Meredith Crowley

    Meredith Crowley


    This is such a great little spot! Really excellent coffees, amazing pastries, and the sandwiches are the best deal in Dublin. Just 5.50 for a delicious, filling sandwich on a house made roll. All the staff are super friendly as well. Get there early for the raspberry scones, they sell out quickly and I understand why!

  • Barry Flynn

    Barry Flynn


    Delicious coffee comes in one size from this bakery and is best enjoyed with sweet side. Scones, muffins and brownies are delicious! Staff are very friendly too, happy to help and have a chat.

  • Jennie Chen

    Jennie Chen


    Amazing brownies - some of the best in Dublin. This shop may be tiny bit their cakes and coffees are seriously impressive! My friend also ordered her wedding cake from here and could only say good things. Loads of people were complimenting her cake throughout the wedding!

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