County Arms i Birr

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandCounty Arms


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Seefin, Birr, Co. Offaly, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 57 912 0791
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Latitude: 53.0907069, Longitude: -7.9061636

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ger Nolan


    Beautiful venue. Very friendly and helpful staff. Food not piping hot and a little pricey.

  • en

    Wills Naughton


    Attended a wedding here. Very impressed. Meal was magnificent. Staff very friendly good service. Hotel looks great open fire etc. Didn't stay over so can't comment on rooms.

  • Liam Delaney

    Liam Delaney


    Lovely meal served with a smile. Lovely homely atmosphere in a hotel located in one of the nicest towns in the Midlands. Recommended

  • en

    Marea Kinnarney


    It was a lovely atmosphere, staff making you feel welcome and couldn't do enough to make your visit memberable and leaving wanting to return. And last but not forgotten, the food was to die for. Also good company was a bonus

  • Jane Boylan

    Jane Boylan


    Family dinner, large party for Sunday lunch. The food was absolutely delicious..!!! Pipping hot dishes, loads of vegetables served as sides. All cooked to perfection. The waiting staff were a pleasure to deal with, very professional and lovely. Cosy and relaxed restaurant. Couldn’t recommend it enough.

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