Emmet House i Birr

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandEmmet House



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Emmet Square, Birr, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 57 916 9885
internet side: www.emmethouse.com
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Latitude: 53.0964389, Longitude: -7.9103876

kommentar 5

  • M maidte

    M maidte


    The most wnderfull place to stay in birr .Helpfull staff .Beautiful homecooked irish food .Family run business by a wonderfull family

  • Lashel Sophia

    Lashel Sophia


    I am completely in love with this bed and breakfast -- we are definitely going back! The mother-daughter duo running all of it are very sweet and interesting, the food is delicious, and the accommodation is the perfect balance of lovely and comfortable. The entire place is impressively clean and well-kept, so don't forget to take your boots off on the ground floor and enjoy every second of your stay!

  • en

    Barry Cox


    The staff were fantastic, the lit fire in the dining room this morning was a lovely feature and very welcome, room was spotless and the hot water bottle in the bed when we got back at 2.30am was a lovely touch. We would gladly recommend it to anybody and will use it again on our next visit to Birr

  • Brendan Cassidy

    Brendan Cassidy


    Lovely house and very friendly staff. Food is great.

  • en

    John Mc Clafferty


    Great location, room was beautiful with very comfortable bed, shower room was very clean and spacious. Breakfast was very tasty and the owner Maureen was very helpful and welcoming. One of the best B&B's I have stayed in Ireland.

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