Dooly's Hotel i County Offaly

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandDooly's Hotel


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Townparks, Co. Offaly, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 57 912 0032
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Latitude: 53.09595, Longitude: -7.91069

kommentar 5

  • en

    john lynch


    Central location in the heart of the beautiful town of Birr. Warm friendly and welcoming staff. Great food.

  • Robert Keartland

    Robert Keartland


    Good value spot in Birr. Staff couldn't have been more helpful..

  • en

    Roisin Dowling


    Food is lovely accommodation isn't perfect rooms quite small, staff could be nicer

  • en

    Maureen Reilly


    Good food.. reasonable price ..veg could be cooked a bit more ..serve food up till 9pm in the bar. Sat night disco for older generation could change the playlist from week to week ..

  • Damian Luby

    Damian Luby


    The hotel was fine and the food from the bar was lovely and reasonably priced. They also stored two mountain bikes for us in a back room which was great. The full Irish breakfast was tasty and the service good. But a few things just didn't work for me: 1. Serving lounge staff would be a bonus or maybe they existed but just never came near us. 2. The hotel had a disco that could be heard from our room on the opposite side of the hotel. 3. An internal fire alarm went off briefly a number of times late into the night and the next morning when we inquired we were casually told it was due to the night club! 4. Our room faced out into the local square and the noise never seemed to stop. This ranged from smokers, revellers and what sounded like a high powered car revving it's engine for what seemed like an age! 5. The room was clean but quite small. The bed was comfortable and the bath-shower was grand.

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