Cyclebike i Dublin 7

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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2-3, Mary's Abbey, D07 X6R6, Dublin 7, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 874 7474
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.3473675, Longitude: -6.2687474

kommentar 5

  • Lorraine Wong

    Lorraine Wong


    The technicians are super nice and helpful! I had a puncture and an important part of my bike was compleeeetely worn out. Luckily the two Croatian guys at the workshop saved the day! :D

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    Neringa Pauliukaite-Munn


    I got my 3rd 2nd hand bike there. First time I was lucky to find what I am looking for. Second time I got very similar one but after cycling few days I really didn't like it. Owner had no problem to change the bike a few days later (he got exactly what I needed). The service was amazing, Darren and Ivan made me feel like you are the only and most important customer in the shop, even though if they were busy, did everything to make sure I am leaving shop with perfectly serviced bike, didn't charge any extras. Definitely going back there and recommend for others.

  • Jilles Soeters

    Jilles Soeters


    Needed a new screw and to tighten the breaks. I walked in for the first time and they did those 2 things for free in 5 minutes. Great service!

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    dave shine


    wanted to purchase a commuter bike with very light frame. Guys in Cyclebike suggested several options and conversion plans which fit the bill perfectly. Didnt matter who in Sales or Service I dealt with, they all knew their stuff and were very helpful. No hesitation recommending this store.

  • Katherine Shelton

    Katherine Shelton


    I went to 4 other bicycle rental shops before stopping at CYCLEBIKE, all of whom told me it was not possible to just rent a helmet in Dublin. I have access to a bicycle during my stay in Ireland but did not feel comfortable riding it without protection. When I walked into CYCLEBIKE Darren acknowledged that it was an unusual request but said I should not be riding around the city without a helmet. He immediately fitted me for one (with room for a winter hat to keep me warm) and created a very affordable arrangement for me to borrow the helmet for the rest of the month. This is a business that truly cares about safety and shows kindness towards new patrons; I would highly recommend CYCLEBIKE for a personalized experience.

nærmeste Cykel butik

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