On Track Dublin i Dublin 8

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IrlandOn Track Dublin


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32, Cook Street, D08 K762, Dublin 8, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 83 413 8661
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Latitude: 53.344299, Longitude: -6.275046

kommentar 5

  • en

    Cormac Newell


    Brilliant shop quick and cheap service highly recomend

  • Sato



    I stumbled across On track on the way to the bank, I popped in and had a chat with the owner, who seemed really interesting. He had some lovely dogs and they looked well taken care of, then I noticed stacks of machines and hard core Bicycle repair gear and I realized that this shop means business. I decided to pop back as my own bike an old fashioned cruiser had lost half of the spokes on my back wheel and I'd been relying on a lady friends bike for the last while for fear the wheel would collapse. I'd gone in the Luas tracks the wrong way a couple of times and missing 5 spokes the wheel was more buckled than a teenage binge drinker on paddy's day. An hour later I popped back in and my bike that I had feared would never ride again was restored better than ever! The guy charged me so little I felt bad when I didn't give him a tip.

  • Marcelo Beckmann

    Marcelo Beckmann


    Lovely people ready to help you. They do know about bikes. Good prices.

  • en

    Ma. Belen Lavarello


    Fair price & the guy was very helpful. I really recommend this place

  • Jimmy Weng

    Jimmy Weng


    Fair price, staff are very helpful, nice people and professional. I'm very satisfied with their service. Recommend !

nærmeste Cykel butik

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