Bolton Cycles i Dublin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandBolton Cycles



🕗 åbningstider

33, Bolton Street, Dublin, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 87 903 5166
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.352778, Longitude: -6.268742

kommentar 5

  • en

    Besfort Soumpasi


    The guy is so helpful! He found me a part that not eaven Giant Dublin didn't have. I recommend this place 100%

  • Florin Rotaru

    Florin Rotaru


    Great staff, quality and professional services. Thanks for my derialers adjustments. Nice work.

  • en



    I fell into this trap as it got recommended by nearly every bike dealer in Dublin. But, their way how they make the money is totally shady. If you have no choice, buying a bike over there is maybe your only choice. The worst is selling it back to them. I only used my bike, rarely, for 3 months and I still got only a third of my bike back & I was about to be kicked out because I did not hold back negotiating about the price. So be aware. The best solution for a bike in Dublin is "DublinBike" or a trustful friend.

  • Mauricio Argenta Chies

    Mauricio Argenta Chies


    Awful service. These guys are selling old or stolen bikes just roughly fixed to make them look new for the price of new ones. They are simply not honest with costumers. Never again.

  • Ian Coleman

    Ian Coleman


    I'm rarely moved to write reviews but just had an excellent buying experience with these guys. Cannot recommend highly enough. I spent my day running around to different bike shops looking for a second-hand commuter so I had a decent idea of the quality:price ratio on the market. Bolton cycles gave me a way better deal than anyone else had to offer. Even when I made it blatantly obvious that I was a cheapskate, they were extremely friendly and helpful, assisting me in finding their best value bike in my price range. Ended up with an excellent second hand hybrid and a good U lock for €120. Very positive experience

nærmeste Cykel butik

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