Rothar i Dublin 7

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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167, Phibsborough Road, D07 KP96, Dublin 7, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 860 2615
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Latitude: 53.3604191, Longitude: -6.2725077

kommentar 5

  • James Mahon

    James Mahon


    Great place for a tune up - the guy is very knowledgeable and fast. On a good (not busy) day, he can fix small problems on the spot. A really good guy.

  • en

    Peter Novak


    Lovely people to deal with. Highly recommend for anyone in the area!

  • en

    Lisa Nari


    I got two bikes from these guys, one for me and one for my boyfriend. The guys in the shop are sound and the prices are very reasonable. Great experience altogether, I will be back soon for my tune up.

  • Hugh



    Fantastic non profit bike repair store, the guys who work here are very friendly and work hard at fixing your wheels! They also sell refurbished vintage bikes and are always looking for donations. They are much more affordable than other bike stores and have a no nonsense approach to repair. Space is available to rent if you like to fix the bike yourself!

  • zzz1111



    Awesome place! I'm totally new to biking, and the owner was willing to tell me anything I wish to know. After I told him my budget, he didn't "despise" me like other stores. His hospitality made me want to buy a second hand bike just ten minutes after our conversation. I got a fair price of 230 for a second-handed free wheel bike and a decent lock and a three months warranty. Got to appreciate the nice owner.

nærmeste Cykel butik

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