Dervish Books & Holistic Centre i Dublin 2

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IrlandDervish Books & Holistic Centre



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7, Aungier Street, D02 Y934, Dublin 2, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 475 9000
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Latitude: 53.3410069, Longitude: -6.2653085

kommentar 5

  • Lena Ovcearenco

    Lena Ovcearenco


    The only of it's kind and the best crystal shop in Dublin, very pleasant atmosphere, good diversity of crystals, incense, oils, books everything you need for meditation. Totally recommend.

  • DiploMattE



    As the name suggests, it's a Holistic shop. You can find a plethora of rocks which claim to have different abilities, like healing stones.In gemstones, life energy is persistently drawn into the center. As it approaches toward the center, the life force becomes determined. There are diffusion oils to promote aromatherapy. The shop seems quite clustered and smells strongly of incense. If you go down a couple steps, there is a reading area accompanied by a sofa. Here, you can grab a book or pamphlet and read a few pages. If youre into dream catchers, wolves, owls or Buddha's, you can find them all here either as a statue or on a canvas.

  • en

    Brian O' Connell


    Very calming shopping experience. Great range of books, wonderful Buddha statues and the best selection of incense!

  • Maura Healy

    Maura Healy


    An oasis of calm and tranquility in the city centre. I get lost in here all the time. Love this place ❤

  • Neslihan Ercan

    Neslihan Ercan


    If you love crystals this is a place for you. Dervish has beautiful and affordable crystals in all kinds and shapes. The scented chakra candles, aromatherapy oils, books in spiritual world are other things you may find. Staff is always friendly. They also have massage rooms but not offered by the place but different therapists who use Dervish occasionally.

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