The Secret Book and Record Store i Dublin 2

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IrlandThe Secret Book and Record Store



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15, Wicklow Street, D02 C924, Dublin 2, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 679 7272
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Latitude: 53.343068, Longitude: -6.2610048

kommentar 5

  • Poole Sarah

    Poole Sarah


    I messaged the store today via Facebook messenger to enquire about selling second hand books and CDs. After receiving a reply saying that it depends on if they can sell them, I simply asked if I could send a photograph of the items so that they could tell me what they would and would not take. I live a bit away from town and so wanted to avoid bringing in any unnecessary weight with me on the train in future. The reply I received was not only unnecessarily rude, it was also inappropriate. I've attached a screenshot of the message I received. This is a copy and pasted version of it here: "Hi Sarah. I can't be bothered with all this back and forth stuff. I'm just too old and cranky for it. But because I'm not actually a nasty person I've thought of a compromise. I see you're currently engaged in using up my tax money in Trinners. How about you take the photos and then wander up to my shop and show me. That way my index finger will be freed up from this tedious tap taping torture." They sent this after sending one previous message. I'm not sure if that constitutes as "back and forth stuff". As someone who has visited the store previously, and hasn't had a bad experience before, I was appalled by the unprofessional demeanour of the message, as well as the very inappropriate comment about where I attend college. It felt very condescending, and where I attend college definitely should not be a factor. Furthermore, if they are "too old and cranky" to actually provide pleasant customer service, they, quite frankly, should should either not be in business, find a younger and more pleasant replacement, or adopt a more amicable demeanour. In future, I would recommend anyone looking to sell second hand books and CDs to this store maybe give them to charity or find another way of selling them on, so as not to inconvenience this second-hand book store, and free them from "tedious tap tapping torture".

  • Zack Alami

    Zack Alami


    Fantástica librería que huye de todo lo moderno y comercial. Tiene libros de cualquier temática a más de mitad de precio, también hay CDs, Vinilos y DVD. Pese a que pueda parecer que todo es usado, hay muchos libros nuevos.

  • en

    Sarah Barry


    Amazing little find in the middle of Dublin city, well worth a visit. Reasonably priced as well. Wide variety, its so easy to pass away an hour delving through the shelves

  • Jamshed Kavina

    Jamshed Kavina


    Heaven for book lovers and people like me who are looking for good deals on books and music

  • Alejandro Villanueva

    Alejandro Villanueva


    Magnifica libreria para los amantes de la lectura

nærmeste Bog butik

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