Winding Stair Bookshop i Dublin 1

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandWinding Stair Bookshop



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Ormond Quay Lower Ormond Quay Lower, North City, Dublin 1, D01 R9Y5, Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 872 6576
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Latitude: 53.346763, Longitude: -6.2636509

kommentar 5

  • max willemse

    max willemse


    Great little place with a wide variety of books 👍

  • en

    Muggle Herder


    Nice bookshop!! Only have books that are on the shelves; if not available - they are more than willing to find it in another bookstore close by for you!

  • Gordon Dooley

    Gordon Dooley


    A treasure trove of magnificent books in an amazing location that lives and breathes of past times.The knowledgeable staff know no boundaries when it comes to service.

  • Emilia Voicu

    Emilia Voicu


    Great books variety, loved the postcards and the "used books" section, reasonable prices and an overall cozy feeling. Came in wanting to have tea or coffee but I wouldn't recommend it, there's 2 tables by the window where you can do that but it feels out of place to

  • Navin Sekhon

    Navin Sekhon


    Really quaint bookstore where every book seems to be selected and placed with purpose. I was disappointed to find out that I paid double what I would have paid on Amazon for the same books. Great to get ideas but likely much cheaper to purchase online.

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