Diamond Hill Country House i Waterford

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IrlandDiamond Hill Country House


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Mile Post Village, Kilmurry, Waterford, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 51 832 855
internet side: www.diamondhill.ie
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Latitude: 52.277348, Longitude: -7.079852

kommentar 5

  • en

    Tomasz Chmielewski


    Very nice and COLD place,in the toilet a bit of mushrooms and mildew and very icily - I recommend staying only in summer, fast internet, tv with 2 channels, everywhere very clean, large professional kitchen available, friendly service, 850 meters to a large supermarket (Lidl) 50 meters to a nice pub, 2 km to the ATM, 3km to the railway station(in the pictures view behind the windows, often hares run by the window and a lot of beautiful birds)

  • Bridget Phelan

    Bridget Phelan


    Clean and friendly x

  • en

    Laurel R


    We enjoyed this place the most out of the 5 or 6 different places we stayed while in Ireland. Beautiful view, friendly staff, nice place in a slightly out of the way setting (that's good). We will stay there again. Thanks Ben!

  • en

    Daniel McAlister


    Nice accommodation, convenient to downtown, but in quiet neighborhood. The proprietor is always around to call a taxi or provide assistance. Great place, thanks!

  • Johannes Grauel

    Johannes Grauel


    We had a pleasant stay at Diamond Hill. The owner welcomed us very friendly, the room and the bathroom were very clean and comfortable. The breakfast had everything you need from full Irish breakfast to a healthy option (yoghurt and fresh fruits of all kind). We can fully recommend it and definitely come back when we are in the area! Thank you!

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