Eason i Dublin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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40, O'Connell Street Lower, D01 PY90, Dublin, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 858 3811
internet side: www.easons.com
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Latitude: 53.3486874, Longitude: -6.2601552

kommentar 5

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    Diana Fleming


    Dublin staple with a little bit of everything. Staff are very helpful. I only bought five pencils but the lady still took the time to tape up the bag so that they didn't fall out in my purse. It's the small touches that make it a great shop. Giving it four stars rather than five because there were few more specialised items that I couldn't find there (the flip side of having such a wide range of stock).

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    Dorota Kusia


    Eason it's a very good shop with stationery products... books ... music.. video games .. you will find everything you need for school..

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    Emma Kearney


    Adore this shop. Worked here years ago. Lovely book shop to stroll around take time out from the bustle of Dublin streets. Staff are lovely, always helpful when needed.

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    Catherine Keogh


    They have recently done the store up. Looks more old world, living room comfy style. Open spaces, so it doesn't look dirty and cluttered but still books everywhere. Always a great selection of books and the card shop is great for all occasions except for baptisms and accessories! Wedding stuff galore and also a lovely little group knitting section. Interesting puzzle jigsaw and science section. Could stay there most of the day.

  • Mey Füchter

    Mey Füchter


    Really lovely bookshop! Great variety of books and fair prices, plus there are good deals and gift session. The staff are nice and super helpful! If you have any doubts, don't hesitate to ask any of them!

nærmeste Bog butik

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