Fairways B&B i Mullingar

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandFairways B&B


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Lynn Road, Mullingar, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353
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Latitude: 53.5151211, Longitude: -7.3418396

kommentar 3

  • Emma Stowe

    Emma Stowe


    Lovely place. Derry was a fantastic host. Would definitely recommend.

  • en

    Anne Crowley


    We stayed in Fairways with Derry and family at the weekend for a conference . Derry could not have done enough with information on the area,anecdotes from his own life and a most comfortable,warm house and welcome not to mention a delicious breakfast.I would have no hesitation in recommending this accommodation. Well done! Anne

  • en

    john bolger


    Stayed here on the Friday 22 September!!!! I have to say it was a pleasure staying here. I arrived late, and I was tired after a long day's work. The owner met me at the front door brought me in for a cuppa tea and cake, we had a great little chat..😀 Then brought me down to my room and he offered, "did I want a lift anywhere". Bloomfield Hotel was down the road so fair play to him he gave me a lift to the front door. Next morning I had breakfast and it was lovely, you couldn't ask for a better service.😋 Room was perfectly clean, house was perfectly clean, service was perfect, and finally the rate is excellent for what the owner is providing.😁 "If you add cost of your breakfast/lift in to mullingar town".😉 I would definitely give this B&B a 10 out 10..👍 Yours sincerely John.

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