Newbury Hotel i Mullingar

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandNewbury Hotel


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Dominick St, Mullingar, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 44 934 2888
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Latitude: 53.5241993, Longitude: -7.347005

kommentar 5

  • en

    Grace Kearney


    Quick service in the Chinese, good food too. Happy overall with it.

  • en

    Jerry DALY


    Stayed there last week lovely place beautiful room's friendly staff.

  • David Breen

    David Breen


    Friendly staff comfortable beds great location.

  • en

    Kevin Fitzpatrick


    Stopped to have lunch here. I found the food to be average and there were definitely no smiles. I am sure there is better service with a focus on customer care elsewhere in the town.

  • en

    Paddy Doyle


    Nice cozy place with bar inside. Rooms are clean. Not much of a view from room we had. Staff are friendly food was nice prices not too steep. Has got a Chinese restaurant underneath that does buffet as well but not your usual kind of buffet the foods not on display to help yourselves its an order then they bring it to you starters then mains all you can eat. The Chinese food is nice but would prefer to serve myself. Only bad point was the card machine wasn't working to pay for the hotel so had to pay cash from my trip money then go bank to draw out more euro's as I'm from England and use pounds so had to pay a charge on top to use a cash machine. Overall nice hotel

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