Mullingar Park Hotel i Mullingar

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IrlandMullingar Park Hotel


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Dublin Rd, Mullingar, IE Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 44 933 7500
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Latitude: 53.5228201, Longitude: -7.303403

kommentar 5

  • en



    Staff are extremely helpful and nice, go out of their way to be hospitable. Lovely spaces off and in the lobby to come together for a cuppa. Enclosed garden out the back with nice area inside with access to it. Special needs toilet good space and spotless. Very nicely looked after. Free wi-fi.

  • Don Nicoll

    Don Nicoll


    This is an excellent 4 star hotel. Located on the old Dublin road. Large car parking area. Good food well served. It also has a Chinese restaurant on site which is unusual. Convenient to the town and the N 4.

  • Catherine Quinn

    Catherine Quinn


    Lovely hotel, good food and bar area. Loads of parking space available. Easy access from the motorway. Had an enjoyable stay there.

  • Damian McCarthy

    Damian McCarthy


    A great hotel that serves food all day. It has a large ballroom and there are shows here regularly. There is a lovely bar with bar seating and lounges. Food is served here also. The staff are very friendly and will look after your every need. It is a popular place for weddings. The rooms are very nice and comfortable and it is not too expensive to stay here. There is a leisure centre here with a gym and beauty treatments are available too.

  • en

    M T


    Nice hotel, fantastic staff...friendly, helpful, attentive but not pushy. Twin room had two double beds...hard to find in Ireland. Comfortable, enough space, clean. Nice swimming pool, hydrotherapy pool / jacuzzi. Small spa with a friendly & competent therapist. Food was good but not exceptional. Bar menu suffers from exaggerated descriptions of acceptable but fairly standard options. Drinks menu quite good, but needs more wine by the glass options & a cocktail menu. All in all a really good location for two friends looking for rest, relaxation & plenty of time to natter & catch up with eachother.

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