Greville Arms Hotel i Mullingar

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandGreville Arms Hotel


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Pearse St, Mullingar, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 44 934 8563
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Latitude: 53.5255923, Longitude: -7.3408156

kommentar 5

  • moya silke

    moya silke


    Very good service. Can sometimes be a bit crowded

  • en

    christopher hughes


    Highly recommended for friendly staff and big portions and best value for money .small budget get big dinners.

  • Kieran Nolan

    Kieran Nolan


    Good food served.80% Guinness. Good friendly..Have been there every year.

  • Patricia Carolan

    Patricia Carolan


    Food not to nice in coffee shop also to dark in bar toilets are always dirty

  • John Burke

    John Burke


    Had the pleasure of staying here for a week. Nice old historic hotel. Very friendly helpful staff. The breakfasts were good and lots of choice. Lovely bar for a few pints and pub grub. Room was clean and large. At rear of hotel so it was nice and quite. The place could do with some updating in places but im sure they will get around to it. I would stay again. Lots of locals visiting for food and drink too which is a great sign for a well run spot.

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