Granville Hotel i Waterford

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandGranville Hotel



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Meagher's Quay, Waterford, IE Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 51 305 555
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.2621198, Longitude: -7.1120794

kommentar 5

  • en

    madeleine kelly


    Old fashioned charming hotel. Food and staff very welcoming. Breakfast first class

  • Lisa Barker

    Lisa Barker


    Lovely, unique rooms... We very much enjoyed our stay here. We were very well taken care of in our rooms and in the on-site restaurant. Delicious food here!

  • en

    Majella Cunniffe


    As always The Granville Hotel never disappoints. Food staff and dining room all very high standard. Enjoyed our dining experience.

  • Russell Knight

    Russell Knight


    Fabulous hotel with impeccable service. Truly remarkable. Amazing atmosphere, quality rooms, great bar (especially the gin collection) and the restaurant is top class. The staff are outstanding. Couldn't recommend it higher

  • Christina Clapp

    Christina Clapp


    I really, really want to recommend the Granville. I really do. But although the rooms are lovely (albeit sometimes small), the cleaning staff ignored the "do not disturb" on my door four days out of six. I value my privacy, and it is clearly not valued at the Granville. Also, the internet is an open network, so it runs very slowly at times. That said, the breakfast is good. Very good. The pub is great, and the front desk staff have always been hospitable.

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