The Three Shippes i Waterford

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandThe Three Shippes



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18, William Street, X91 KX20, Waterford, IE Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 51 843 178
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Latitude: 52.2579582, Longitude: -7.1032707

kommentar 5

  • Pablo Nicolás Torres

    Pablo Nicolás Torres


    El personal es excelente. Inmejorable atención. La comida es buena. No duden en visitarlo si pasan por Waterford. La hamburguesa de pollo con una Guinness no tiene comparacion

  • massimo collu

    massimo collu


    Wonderful!! We went here for dinner in March2018 and it was absolutely great! Huge portions, waiter lovely and both food and beers great. Great

  • en

    Anthony Meaney


    We went in to watch the grand slam victory. Great atmosphere, full to the brim. Food served carvery style. Good selection of drinks and very friendly staff.

  • paul merriman

    paul merriman


    The upstairs area badly needs a refurbishment..... Nice food here though and big portions too.

  • Emily Richard

    Emily Richard


    Best Irish burger hands down! Local brews were great. We came in on a Saturday early evening, and the poor bartender was by himself. He seemed very chipper about it and apologized profusely, but I just feel bad for him to work alone in a pub for both bar and table service! Nevertheless he was great and had we had another night I'm sure we would have been back.

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