Thomas Maher's i Waterford

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IrlandThomas Maher's


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O'Connell Street, Waterford, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353
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Latitude: 52.2621081, Longitude: -7.1147561

kommentar 5

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    Richard Dineen


    Great old pub, even though they now allow women in.

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    Eamonn Kelly


    Great place for a drink, friendly owners and a great atmosphere. Go on try it.

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    una ONeill Mangan


    Lovely little bar, full of character, brings you back in time. The man behind the bar was so friendly

  • Simon Gray

    Simon Gray


    This pub matches a lot of the criteria of the traditional ("old man") pub, but misses a few of them. Locals may be familiar with the legend of the past owner, who refused entry to women until relatively recently. So the "old man" box is definitely checked. Looking around, you'll find lots of old decor, a wide range of spirits - including the pig's own-brand whiskey. There's likely to be a local clientele, and sports on the TV. However, I couldn't find any atmosphere at all; no banter or feeling of homeliness. Besides this, I was pretty disappointed by the narrow range of beers - but the Guinness wasn't bad.

  • Stephen McNena

    Stephen McNena


    Very good, small, cosy, convivial pub, located on O'Connell street in Waterford. Beautiful shelving behind bar. Good selection of drinks. Well worth a visit. Beamish 3.90, pint bottle of Guinness 4.50.

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