Kilmurry Lodge Hotel i Limerick

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandKilmurry Lodge Hotel


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Castletroy, Limerick, V94 WTC9, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 61 331 133
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Latitude: 52.6687289, Longitude: -8.5536852

kommentar 5

  • en

    Padraig Mc Auliffe


    Fine hotel serving carvery lunch every day in city centre

  • Rob Smolund

    Rob Smolund


    The accommodations were very comfortable, the staff very helpful and the breakfast is high quality. Would highly recommend this hotel.

  • Tommy Evans

    Tommy Evans


    Great location, clean rooms, it was winter when I stayed and it was lovely and warm, the food in the bar is amazing.

  • en

    ciaran burke


    It was very cosy. when I arrived I was quite tired and had booked my room online with it been a friday evening the banks closed early the receptionist told me they didn't normally take cash which was all I had but they accommodated me due to the banks been closed. Still if you are going to have that policy I suggest a bank lodgement machine in the hotel lobby to avoid issues like mine. The girls on the desk were lovely and I appreciate them accommodating me. The room was nice it was ground floor and not much of a view but it was warm cozy and had decent tv stations so that's all I cared about. The food in the restaurant was lovely and its close to a good few things overall I enjoyed my night there. just remember if you are paying there and then have the money on your card.

  • Martin Eluvathingal

    Martin Eluvathingal


    Great place to stay in Limerick. Friendly staff and the breakfast was lovely! The room was well maintained and had all the necessary items. You are also able to bring in food from outside.

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