Krüst Bakery i Dublin 2

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandKrüst Bakery



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5/6 South Great Georges Street, Dublin 2, D02 KT52, Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 1 677 8995
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Latitude: 53.343725, Longitude: -6.2643

kommentar 5

  • C Apolline

    C Apolline


    L'endroit donne envie de rester on a un choix varié de donuts et le service est rapide , J'ai pris un Krust oreo qui était bon mais pas assez cuit. Çà reste un bon endroit pour prendre une pause :)

  • Manuel Guillermo Pachano Murillo

    Manuel Guillermo Pachano Murillo


    Loved the donuts but was not impressed by the cronuts, the coffee is very good and it's quite cozy, great prices altogether and you can even order some mix and match donuts to go which are great value!

  • Pavol Oreško

    Pavol Oreško


    Káva aj cronut super...

  • Mario Aliphat

    Mario Aliphat


    Los panes de este lugar son deliciosos, así como la atención del personal esmerada.

  • en

    Cathal O'Keeffe


    Food is good. Staff are always quick and careful with your food. Attentive in relation to allergies. Good knowledge of all products. Coffee is good. Nice relaxing spot any time of the day. Wish you opened earlier!

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