Lidl i Dublin 1

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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1, Moore Street, D01 H308, Dublin 1, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1800 201 080
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Latitude: 53.351136, Longitude: -6.263254

kommentar 5

  • en

    Johnny Lazarre


    Lidl is a cheaper supermarket and is has good products. And all the time is changing there product with season is really good...

  • daniela gicovan

    daniela gicovan


    Plenty of everything. Fresh pastry, excellent bread, deli and diary products, very tasty, fruits and vegies, meat and excellent pizza, everything you need, very handy in middle of city centre Dublin. Perfect!

  • Edward Powell

    Edward Powell


    The remake of this place has left it one of Dublins most beautiful and welcoming grocery stores. The selection of products and availability of organic or free range options is superb, and the competitive pricing makes eating well a financial breeze. I cannot recommend it highly enough

  • Lebo's Friends, Dog Walking

    Lebo's Friends, Dog Walking


    First time visiting new shop. Absolute nightmare. Queue 3 alleys long. No middle access to next alley anymore. Takes ages to go throughout that shop. Will also be last visit. Lidl Cabra is much more practical, a bit further up (5/10 minutes on foot) but shorter queues. Completely worse it.

  • en

    Antonina Walsh


    The new shop is amazing! It has fast tills, huge selection of fresh pastry and biscuits, a coffee machine where everything is 1 euro. I love it! Cappuccino is not very good though

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