Locktec Locksmiths Dublin i Dublin

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IrlandLocktec Locksmiths Dublin



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9, Westpoint Business Park, Navan Road, Parslickstown, Dublin, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1800 848 485
internet side: www.lockteclocksmiths.ie
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Latitude: 53.4081684, Longitude: -6.4140672

kommentar 5

  • en

    muhamed amirov


    Highly recommend Locktec by far the cheapest quote I got around Dublin for high security anti snap locks , phone operator told me that he 30 min to call out but had a technician at my door in less then that , thanks would defo use again

  • Brendan Dwyer

    Brendan Dwyer


    I can't recommend them highly enough. Out within an hour with new locks fitted and enough keys cut for everyone at a very reasonable price. Super impressive outfit!

  • en

    robin kelly


    I had slam locks fitted on my van a few months back. Last night some low life broke into my van but thankfully they were contained to the cab. Made a mess and got a few bits from the front but that €300 investment slam locks saved me thousands of euros between tools and materials. I would highly recomend Locktec slam locks if you value your tools. Thanks again

  • Grain & Groove

    Grain & Groove


    We just had our work van fitted with slam locks on the front & side doors and I couldn’t recommend them highly enough, in fact we have already passed on their number to a few people. They called out to our van which was onsite at a job and fit the locks in under 24 hours from our initial phone call. They were fast, efficient and neat. Really couldn’t recommend them highly enough.

  • en

    Corduff Golf Society


    Excellent service from the lads. Called about locks for the vans and had all 3 done in no time. Feel much more relaxed now knowing they're a lot more secure. Would highly recommend to other trades people

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