McDonald's i Dublin 24

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Tallaght Town Centre, Dublin 24, IE Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 1 459 8835
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Latitude: 53.2865199, Longitude: -6.3723547

kommentar 5

  • Thomas McDermott

    Thomas McDermott


    Just your standard typical McDonald's. McDonald's in The Square Tallaght is one of the worst locations for the food we all know and love. Nuggets are often not fresh in this particular restaurant and Fries tend to be soggy or lukewarm. The floor staff are great and will do whatever to assist you though the staff behind the counter are more likely to be hesitant to help.

  • HirAjEm PMPL

    HirAjEm PMPL


    Its a disappointing place to order food. Recently it was remodelled to make orders come out faster and more fresh. Unfortunately system doesn't work. I ordered double cheeseburger to go and was waiting for 10 minutes to get cold burger. Meanwhile guy who was ordering after me received his food 5 minutes before me even tho his order had 3 cheeseburgers, fries, ice-cream and drinks. On top of that like mentioned the burger is almost always cold and the employees responsible for packing and expediting are more concerned in chatting than working. Also people taking orders are whispering instead of talking and even when you yell at them they seem not to hear what you are saying. In general they are lucky they have this great location and simular standards in restaurants around them otherwise they would have zero customers.

  • Roisin Murphy

    Roisin Murphy


    I ordered a medium chicken nugget meal and to my absaloute horror their was only 5 chicken nuggets was very disappointed expected a nice extra maybe but not one less. I expect more next time thanks

  • en

    Anna Carr


    It's roomy and fresh. Lovely staff who do everything they can to help and they have high chairs for toddlers. Most of all...the best coffee in the city at only 2 euro. Well worth a visit specially at breakfast time

  • Jeff Howarth

    Jeff Howarth


    Genuinely a bad McDonald's (based on the visit I had). Cook was having a bad day as the burger was both dripping with fat and had burnt fat from previous burgers on it (they are meant to quickly scrape down the grill after every use to prevent this).

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