Peachtree East i Dublin 24

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandPeachtree East



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A3, Tallaght Cross East, Tallaght, Dublin 24, Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 413 9965
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Latitude: 53.2886019, Longitude: -6.3740974

kommentar 5

  • en

    Emma Dorris


    Lovely local restaurant, staff were very friendly and the meal, especially the mains, were delicious. They make a great cocktail too!

  • joey barrett

    joey barrett


    Amazing staff and top notch food and cocktails, well worth a visit. Wings are amazing for a quick bite

  • Glen Courtney

    Glen Courtney


    Peachtree east has an outstanding service with great quality food with some style to it, id highly recommend it for a first date 😉

  • David O'Byrne

    David O'Byrne


    We had heard great things about this restaurant from others in Tallaght. We went for the pre theatre special (3 courses for €25 before 7pm) and it exceeded our expectations. Great food... beautifully presented, welcoming and relaxed atmosphere, friendly staff... Solid wine list and cocktail menu are great. My only suggested area of improvement would be to offer some beer or stout options beyond the big multinational mainstay offerings.

  • Philip Caird

    Philip Caird


    We came here for dinner last month for first time and were greatly impressed. Service was friendly and professional in a comfortable environment. The soundtrack was cool electronica I would say. Interesting menu, and food was tasty and of a very high standard. To be honest I cannot really fault the place and look forward to returning. I think booking is advised as we were there on a Tuesday evening expecting the place to be quiet but it was surprisingly busy.

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