Subway i Tallaght

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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The Square, Tallaght, IE Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 1 451 4436
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.2864151, Longitude: -6.3719038

kommentar 5

  • en

    Robert Fitzgerald


    Love subway but this is way too small can't enjoy the food at all...squashed into a cramped space. Never eat here, there is a bigger one about 5 mins away past McDonald's outside the square

  • HirAjEm PMPL

    HirAjEm PMPL


    Spare yourself disappointment and don't go in there.

  • Rajesh Kuriakose

    Rajesh Kuriakose


    staffs are not customer friendly.....very rude....please replace the staffs

  • en

    Josephine de Búrca


    Horrible staff in here! Really and truly need better and nicer staff, they reduced an older woman to tears

  • en

    Liz Walsh


    This Subway is a disgrace, veggies beware. I was there yesterday to get a veggie sub, I said to the guy serving" do you know there are bits of meat crumbs in your cheese" he proceeded to removed the two larger chunks from the top slice of cheese, drop them on the floor at his feet and left the cheese there. The counter was covered with various pieces of meat from previously made subs and did not look like it had been cleaned in over an hour. It was disgusting. Needless to say I walked away and I will never be back. I had to give it 1 star so my review would post.

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