Wei Kee Restaurant i Dublin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandWei Kee Restaurant



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High Street, Dublin, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 463 0960
internet side: www.weikee.ie
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Latitude: 53.2883054, Longitude: -6.3633457

kommentar 5

  • en

    Kasim Ayinde Alarape


    The restaurant is spacious, food is good and workers are professional about service.

  • en

    Xiaoli Zeng


    Best takeaway and restaurant in tallaght! very tasty spicy chips and rainbow beef! tried to use their app to order food and it's soooo handy ! also recommend weikee to my chinese friends and they love the food here.. fab!

  • Glen Mc Carthy

    Glen Mc Carthy


    My favourite Chinese restaurant. Amazing food, great prices and friendly staff. Relaxed atmosphere. It's a must try.

  • Yassr Shaar

    Yassr Shaar


    Can't believe all the negative comments, I've never gotten dinner from here and not been super happy with the outcome. Consistent nice good food, chips are amazing and the Satay sauce is beyond this world!

  • en

    Susan Iannelli


    Iv orderd 97 Euro worth of food from here tonight and I ordered chicken ball's and said can I have curry sauce as the sauce and they said that is extra. If never heard of a Chinese not to give sauce with chicken ball's..so I had to order a set meal... I also ask do they give a free bottle of mineral with big orders and they said no .. they offer free prawn crackers r chicken wings so I said 'll take the chicken wing's so when my food arrived they sent prawn crackers after me telling her that nobody eats them. I won't be ordering from this place again... 7 unhappy customers 😡😡😡

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