Parnell Park i Dublin 5

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandParnell Park


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54, Clancarthy Road, D05 FC86, Dublin 5, IE Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 1 831 2099
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Latitude: 53.3728796, Longitude: -6.2163644

kommentar 5

  • Ruairi Fallon

    Ruairi Fallon


    I love how it’s such a tight venue where everyone has a great view

  • en

    Terence Hudson


    An enjoyable day watching your teams battle between one another

  • Paul Dunne

    Paul Dunne


    Google maps call the area Clontarf but it is in fact the Donnycarney area of Dublin.

  • en

    Phil Egan


    I was last here for the Dublin Club Championship between Vincents and Ballymun.To be there as a neutral was brilliant. The place was full and rockin and a great game to boot.To see the kids out on the pitch at half time, with their hurls and footballs, is a sight to behold, a great tradition.

  • Austin Rock

    Austin Rock


    Too small for a county ground to meet Dublins needs. In dire need of some serious inveatment. Capacity and facilities not what i should be, on the plus side a great atmosphere and always enjoyable games.

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