RDS Main Arena i Dublin 4

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandRDS Main Arena


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Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 668 0866
internet side: www.rds.ie
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Latitude: 53.3257181, Longitude: -6.2296879

kommentar 5

  • Jo Byrne

    Jo Byrne


    The arena as a venue for large events is a fantastic resource so close to the city centre. Ample parking for all indoor events. However it can be a bit of a walk from overflow car parks if part of the our door space is taken up by the event. Just be prepared to walk and the site catering leaves a lot to be desired.. if the event has Catering you are ok. Otherwise bring your own coffee!

  • en

    Karen Campher


    Was there for the peace proms arena is ok for this acoustics are not great in the arena. The staff were really nice and helpful. But the toilets are a big let down - the ladies was not clean and the hand dryers didn't work and the towel was finished and filthy. We were there at 2pm I wouldn't like to have seen them by 8pm! Please RDS look after the toilets!!

  • en

    Paul Noone


    Superb location for a top level Rugby game. Easy access from railway station, great atmospheric walk. Efficient ticket processing, seemed like we could get 6 people into the arena as quickly as we could get in five. Amazing!! Great arena set up. Just a tip to those who have not checked their UNRESERVED TICKETS and arrived late into the south terrace, only to find that their presumed reserved tickets were not so. A lonely walk up to the top of the stand searching for a seat amongst a sea of irate supporters trying to watch the game is not a great start to your night. However, I am sure the IRU will sort this ticketing situation out.

  • Maciej Kłosiński

    Maciej Kłosiński


    A venue with history. House of tens of exhibitions & events each year. Staff is helpful but you can have a real time finding parking space at weekdays. Some halls are dated and could be renovated or at least refreshed. In-house restaurants wont let you go around hungry.

  • Amanda Kielthy

    Amanda Kielthy


    Great big Arena. Lots of parking but it's €7 to enter the carpark. There is loads of toilets. I have been to plenty of shows here. But in recent years it has been the knitting and stitching show which is huge 😃 lots of crafty bits for knitting, crocheting, sewing, patchwork, paper crafts and lots lots more. I go annually and the knitting and stitching is only getting bigger 😃

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