Shelbourne Park Greyhound Stadium i Dublin 4

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandShelbourne Park Greyhound Stadium



🕗 åbningstider

South Lotts Road, Dublin 4, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 61 448 080
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.340803, Longitude: -6.231104

kommentar 5

  • John Byrne

    John Byrne


    We had our office Christmas party at Shelbourne Park. We had a private room with a great view of the race track, we were very well looked after thanks to the brilliant table staff and person that took our bets. The food menu was varied with something for everyone and the food was excellent. Would highly recommend for your Christmas party as the novelty of the betting gets everyone chatting and involved.

  • Adrian Webster

    Adrian Webster


    Went here on a staff party. We where taken care of very well excellent service and lots of food and not skimpy on it. Only think i could say is for easy of being quick the coffee isn't made very nice like from a coffee machine which you put in ground coffee, even though they have a proper machine to do it they serve that not as good coffee unless you ask for premium coffee. But I brought it to the servers attention and he got me a machine coffee instead since he knew I loved my coffee. Still great service.

  • de

    Helmut Wimmer


    Windhund Rennen, einmal etwas anderes. Es sind ca. 10 Rennen, bei jedem kann man wetten. Für die Anfänger: "All ways" bzw "Reverse" wetten, dann ist die Reihenfolge egal.

  • Christian M

    Christian M


    Man sollte sich evtl. vorher schon informieren, wie das ganze abläuft.

  • Spooks



    Ich finde die Windhundrennen ein Erlebnis.Die Hunde sind bis 70kmh schnell! Das Wetten macht auch riesig Spaß. Mindestgebot 1€

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