Regent Barber Shop i Dublin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandRegent Barber Shop



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2, Fownes Street Lower, Dublin, IE Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 1 677 8719
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Latitude: 53.3457205, Longitude: -6.263435

kommentar 5

  • Aston Formal Wear

    Aston Formal Wear


    Long established shop in the heart of Temple Bar. Proper barbers. Interesting collection of related memorabilia on display. Oh, and great haircuts and shaves.

  • Tomasz Herbasz

    Tomasz Herbasz


    Decent place. Haircut was OK too :) Friendly staff. LGBT friendly if that matters anymore XD

  • en

    wander lust


    Do not go here for beard trim, he destroyed mine!!!! Went for beard trim and haircut, Went in with long full beard, asked for to tidy up but keep length, told put head back so couldn't see anything he was doing, when looked down most of my beard was completely gone. Haircut was not what I asked for but wasnt awful so didn't say anything about that When I complained he even had cheek to try it say was what I asked for. Went on to charge me full price, disgusted and will never go back. Had previously had good haircuts here but will never go back

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    Gerard Mcgill


    Visited here twice now and been seen too by the same lady on both occasions. Very friendly and excellent service. It's my new go to for beard trims

  • Jay Martinez

    Jay Martinez


    Totally overcharged for a hot towel shave and tried to short change me after. Just a hot towel shave cost me €25 where as round the corner they were charging €18 with an Indian head massage included.

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