The Green Rooster Barbershop i Dublin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandThe Green Rooster Barbershop



🕗 åbningstider

48, Fleet Street, Dublin, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 679 8425
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.3457078, Longitude: -6.2607157

kommentar 5

  • en

    Stephen Rogan


    Went in early and got my cut of Gary, the biker barber. Couldn't speak more highly of the place, the haircut was absolutely brilliant with Gary talking me through the whole process, Ive never seen somone give so much attention to detail with a haircut. To top it off he's an absoulute gent and had a great chat to accompany the cut. Will definitely be going back.

  • en

    [email protected] madmax


    Dropped in while I was in town for a chop, have to say it was a great experience. Beleive it was AJ who took care of me, I'll definitely be back!

  • en

    Tony Browne


    I did the lvl 2 certificate in Barbering course in the Green Roosters school June 2017 . 2000 euro down drain no certificate from VTCT as course centre had not been evaluated by VTCT . Found out afterwards the Dublin School of Barbering had not been evaluated by VTCT in over a year so doubt anybody has got any certificates in that time .Anybody who has done a course here should contact VTCT in the UK .

  • Mitch Rivers

    Mitch Rivers


    Waldo is a great guy. Stopped by to meet him and deliver a present as a friend of a friend. Except location and local vibe.

  • en

    Daniel Magee


    Great cuts at ok prices. Friendly staff mostly. Talented bunch.

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