Zeba Hairdressing i Dublin 2

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandZeba Hairdressing



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60, South William Street, Dublin 2, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 671 6444
internet side: www.zeba.ie
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.3425436, Longitude: -6.2621028

kommentar 5

  • en

    violet sherlock


    Great place.All the staff are lovely..I wouldn't go anywhere else to have my hair done.

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    Sabrina Fechter


    Rose gave me a lovely haircut and also took the time to talk about what I want and what would suit me. She was very concentrated while cutting my hair and also after blowdrying it she still took the time and cut some more to make it look perfect. Also the welcome in the salon was very friendly and I didn't have to wait. The only negative thing I could mention is that the staff was constantly joking around with each other and therefore ignoring the customers sometimes.

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    Lamia Elnidany


    Worst Brazilian Blow Dry Ever, Do not waste your money paying for a treatment that will not work.

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    Ary B.


    Amazing place to treat yourself to. I go in with dry, messy, broken hair and come out looking like a different person, many thanks Lana!

  • Michele Perez

    Michele Perez


    I am a Redken elite hairdresser I was vacation ing in Ireland and saw the sign for this salon , so I decided to get a blowout. I was impressed with the round brush blowout that I got there. It lasted 4 days in the lovely Irish climate. I would recommend this shop. The shampoo bowl aren't the most comfortable for a short person , but the blowout is worth it

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